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Fraser Sutherland

Game Developer and Producer

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Project type

Game Design and Prototype


May 2024



Linebreaker is a roguelite deckbuilding game set in a dystopian cyberpunk near-future, completed as my final honours project in my 4th year at Abertay.
The goal with Linebreaker was to further develop my skills as a gameplay and systems designer, while also building up my programming skills to allow me to create a fully functional vertical slice of a deckbuilding roguelite.
The design of Linebreaker is centred on the Strain mechanic, representing the mental and physical toll of the cyberpunk lifestyle, which gradually builds up from continued attempts to beat the game and slowly clogs the player's deck with unplayable cards.
The goal with Strain was to address problemsthat can occur in roguelite games with difficulty, as the player becomes more and more powerful the more runs they undergoe, even as the challenges they are facing remain the same.

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